Hey! I'm Brittani and I adore babies! I am a photographer in Arnold, Missouri. I specialize in newborn photo sessions, infants and toddlers. I have a collection of props and outfits to utilize during your session and I will even come to you!
I want to share some of my favorite images from a recent 9 month photo session I did. I photographed Morgan when she was a newborn and she was so perfect. Not much has changed because she is just as perfect now! The focus was the breastfeeding portion but we saved that for last knowing she would be hungry and tired anyways. Her mom knew that her breastfeeding journey may be over soon and wanted to capture these moments before they are gone. I am so glad she came to me and we made magic happen. Morgan is such a happy baby even when she gets tired or hungry she doesn't even fuss much. It amazes me. We were able to do a few different outfits and some naked ones. I tell everyone don't get your hopes up on using more than 2 outfits because they usually get overstimulated by then. If they are an exceptionally happy and chill baby during the session then we can keep going until they are done. I always say the baby runs the show. I will not push them to do something if they are over it.
Looking for a baby photographer in Arnold, Missouri? Contact me to set up a session at - momentstocherishportraits@yahoo.com